Montessori education organised by Knowledge Center PROFECTUS

A basic Montesorri education took place from 7th to 12th of October ,in Zagreb. The education was organised by Knowledge Center PROFECTUS.

  • Eržebet Bedrosian – pedagogue in a Montesorri kindergarten
  • Dajana Šimić – educator in a Montesorri kindergarten

The education was attended by 18 participants from across Croatia. The majority of participants were kindergarten educators preparing for the introduction of the Montesorri program. The remaining participants were individuals and members of associations, who recognise the quality of Montesorri methods and are willing to use them in everyday work.

Lifelong learning is very significant to professionals who work in providing direct support to the development of children, daily. They are able to provide quality work which satisfies the children, their parents and themselves, by constantly learning new methods and improving. PROFECTUS is carrying out programs of lifelong learning in order to make the educational process an enjoyable experience for both service providers and their users.

Basic Montesorri education, carried out in Zagreb, was based on specific examples and materials which are usable in everyday work.

The main subjects processed during the six-day Education:
  • Reform and alternative pedagogies
  • The life and work of Maria Montesorri
  • Basic features of Montesorri pedagogy
  • Presentation and the use of materials for practical activities
  • Basic components of Montesorri pedagogy
  • Presentation and the use of materials in the field of sensory activities
  • From chaos to normalization
  • Presentation and the use of materials in the field of mathematics
  • Developmental math games
  • Observation and monitoring of a child
  • Developmental language games and the presentation and use of materials
  • Organisation of work in a Montesorri kindergarten
  • Musical Education
  • The Game of Silence
  • Experiments
  • The design of materials from all areas

The participants gained a lot of knowledge and skills during the Education. The combination of theory and practical activities gave them in-sight to the implementation of the Montesorri method and they became trained for the daily use of those method in their work.

For all info on educations you can contact us via email: or cell phone: +385 99 2401004.